Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Critical review report of Coastal Zone Management Essay

Critical review report of Coastal Zone Management - Essay Example â€Å"The national CZM Program is based on the federal Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, which is implemented by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) through the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management. The Coastal Services Center is a program within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration devoted to serving the nations state and local coastal resource management programs by linking people, information, and technology.† (Coastal Zone Management) Coastal zone management is very essential because there have been a lot of changes in the global environment in the recent decades. There must also be development of these resources for better utilization and bringing awareness to people. There must be wise use of these resources which build the wealth of the nations. Hence the coastal zone management is very important for every nation. In today’s world, with the changing climatic conditions globally and with the green house effect it is very important to maintain the coastal waters. The earth is made up of 75 percent of water. The coastal region is less than fifteen percent in the world but it holds more than fifty percent of the world population in it. It is also one of the major natural resources which add to the wealth of the nations. Management measures must be taken for control against erosion, sedimentation, to retain the nutrients etc. It is also important to understand the behavior of the coasts and prevent them from being destroyed either by natural sources or physical sources. Flooding and erosion are the major problems faced by the coast due to natural reasons. Polluting the coast would be physical reasons of destroying the efficiency of the coast. All this will cause decrease in the number of tourists visiting the coastal areas. And also affect the fifty percent of the world population who live with in 200 kilometers of

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Applied Logic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Applied Logic - Assignment Example This is because the individual who utilizes their free will do not necessary need constructed law for them to act responsible. In supporting this, we can argue that individual with free will are self-determined and accountability of their actions. This people also are capable of overcoming outside force hence enabling them to valid reasoning. For that reason, we can say free will is essential at helping us comprehend that we are in control of choice we made in life and thus our destiny. Hence, individual must be capable of thinking free and decide free without being constrained by certain external factors. Human beings have the capability of thinking free and decide free compared to other animal (Lynch pg. 132). Besides this, and individuals can claim accountability for their actions, and this makes human uniqueness. Hence, free will are much interrelated with applied logic as free will is the foundation of applied logic as it helps individuals to be self-determined and accountability of their actions. The concept of reality has been controversial since the times of great philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle particularly due to the continuous dominance of perceptions in the reasoning process as individuals strive to identify and understand what is real. Reality can be defined as the totality of all things including events, both observable and non-observable phenomena as well as actual and conceptual structures (Simon 01). In deliberating ontological matters, analytical philosophers circumvent the use of the term â€Å"real† since there is an overall argument that reality is what one can get away with, and it is significantly influenced by our perception. Simply put, it is what the world vision endeavors to map, whether based on personal or communal human experience. In lieu of this, there is no objective reality; it is subject to personal interpretation since our cultural and